Boathouse Made Stable

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Project Overview

Challenge: Soft subsoils under water

Solution: Helical Piers with measurable N values

This boathouse was constructed with 12 inch concrete walls, with stone exterior. Twenty eight helical piers were installed using 1 3⁄4” square shaft material. The loads were 36 kips working per point. With 2:1 safety factor they were installed to 72 kips. Depths for the piers ranged from 36 to 54 feet. The soils were decent, but still had N values from 812 in the first 15-20 feet and rose steadily from that point.

The boathouse needed approximately three feet of water so the boat could be pulled in and out. To accomplish this, a silt containment fence was placed in the lake and a berm was excavated... Read more

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