Team Elmer's

e-News: Tue Sep 19 2017

M-22 Miles • LifeWorks Camp

Lifeworks Camp!

While children get back in their school routine, some are writing about what they did during their summer vacation. For the participants at Lifeworks Boys Camp, it may be more unusual than most.

Traverse Life Center observed young students aged 12-15 years old (old enough to stay at home unsupervised during the summer months yet are too young for most entry level jobs) spend much of their summer unmotivated. 

They decided to develop a program called Lifeworks to challenge both boys and girls aged 12-15. The eight week program is designed to teach young participants important employment and life skills that will enable them to grow through experience.

Life Works also imparts servant leadership, work ethic, and a sense of destiny for these young teens. Through providing entry level economic opportunities, interactive guided life-lessons, and a healthy dose of fun, they learn the power of work and the pride of living as a producer, not just a consumer.

Each year, as part of their program, the participants visit Team Elmer’s for a day to learn about heavy construction and the skills required for success. Past participants have installed a sidewalk handi-cap ramp section for a non-profit housing complex, experienced the dexterity and control required in a mini excavator during an obstacle course, built benches, patched asphalt, and discovered the invigorating effects of manual labor.    

Check out the 2017 Lifeworks program as they experience Team Elmer's for a day.

Get A Load Of This  Ep 18: LifeWorks

Miles Over M-22!

An iconic roadway, Highway M-22, one of the most scenic highways located in northern Michigan’s Leelanau County, travels 116 miles and at times runs parallel along Lake Michigan’s shoreline. However, the ride was getting bumpy for drivers in some areas while the pedestrian and bicycle traffic was crowded when sharing the road. 

“I traveled M-22 my entire life and to work every single day before the construction. It was apparent that the roads needed to be fixed,” said Neal Kokowicz, Market M-22 owner.

The Michigan Department of Transportation stepped in to widen the shoulders and resurface a 12.74 mile stretch from Highway M-204 to Thoreson Road.  Team Elmer’s was awarded the work through the State of Michigan’s low bid construction process.

Team Elmer's News Update: Ep 36 - Highway M-22

Steve Endres, Team Elmer’s project manager clarified the road construction, “MDOT improved the shoulders which gave them a five foot shoulder for bicyclists and pedestrians... The struggle was getting the material to the project site during the busy summer traffic season.”  

As they say, there are two seasons in Michigan, winter and road construction.  Many worried the construction would interfere with summer enjoyment, though with a short construction season and weather being what it is, winter paving is not an option in Michigan. Night paving during the summer season also increases safety concerns and costs associated with the installation process.

“It certainly did cause a fear factor amongst a lot of local residents – ‘how could we do this during the peak season of tourism?’ For us here at the market, we weren’t worried. We were excited Elmer’s got the job….as they’ve been known to complete jobs on time in a taskful manner,” stated Kokowicz. 

With only two rain days during the first eight weeks of scheduling and a slight pause for the Fourth of July holiday, road construction was completed on schedule.  The most scenic highway is ready for the fall color tour, both for motorists and bicyclists.   


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