DBE Bid Opportunities

construction boot in dirt

DBE Bid Opportunities

APRIL 4, 2025 MDOT BID LETTING - We are bidding Items #018 & #056

Item#: 018

HMA overlay with curb, guardrail, aggregate shoulders and pavement markings on River Rd from Milarch Rd to east of Kettner Rd

County: Manistee

DBE%:  8.00%

Manager: Ryan Wurtz

Item#: 056

HMA crushing, shaping and resurfacing, signing and pavement markings on Wilkinson Rd from Gaylord city limit to Goslow Rd

County: Alpena  

DBE%:  7.00%

Manager: Jeff Allen

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Quotes

Please send quotes or questions to Wendy Schopieray and Julia Morse.

Plans and specifications for MDOT projects are available electronically on the MDOT website.

Plans and specifications for MDOT projects that are not available electronically for viewing "free of charge" may be purchased from:
Capital Imaging, Inc.
2521 E. Michigan Ave.
Lansing, MI 48912
Phone: 517-482-2292
Fax: 517-487-1920

Home Office:

231.943.8975  Fax

P.O. Box 6150
3600 Rennie School Rd.
Traverse City, MI   49685