Team Elmer's

Team Elmer’s Concrete Used to Build Large-scale Sustainable Residence

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TRAVERSE CITY, MICH., June 30, 2010—An underground earth dome shelter built in central Michigan has used more than 860,000 pounds of Team Elmer’s concrete to complete the shelter’s facade.

Known as “Earth Shelter Project Michigan,” the project is the largest of its kind in the nation at nearly 13,000 square feet. It features five domes that include a residence, guesthouse, barn, greenhouse and connecting units. Animals in the barn will range from chickens and turkeys to a few Scottish Highland cattle.

“Our goal is to be completely self-sustaining,” said Basheen Baker, owner of the residence. ”We’re off the grid completely—we make our own food, make our own power. We’re going to do a lot of teaching and knowledge to share our experience.”

The project is being completed by Adam Bearup, a sustainable builder who has been recognized by Michigan’s governor as serving as a leader in renewable energy and sustainable building.

Homes built by Bearup include the first LEED-platinum log home in the United States, Michigan’s first homeowner-funded LEED-platinum home and Michigan’s most energy efficient home ever tested.

Currently, there is also a weekly Internet video series documenting the building process available at A documentary about the process of building the residence will also be released in 2011.

About Team Elmer’s

Team Elmer’s, a family owned company since 1956, specializes in site development, including excavation, earth moving, underground utility installation, retaining wall construction, directional boring, manhole rehabilitation, aggregate production, concrete ready-mix, asphalt installation (commercial and residential), milling, and crane/rigging, among other specialties. Today, Traverse City, Mich.-based Team Elmer’s has grown to include over 300 skilled personnel.

To learn more about Team Elmer’s, visit, call (231) 943-3443 or e-mail


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P.O. Box 6150
3600 Rennie School Rd.
Traverse City, MI   49685